Archeage Gold Farming, Gilda farm, Apex farm

Here are list of the possible way to make gold in Archeage :
-trade pack trading
-gathering (stone, iron, log, herb)
-coin purse
-growing crops/livestock
-massive pines forest
-CR/GR daily
-gilda star
-play the auction

Almost all gold making activities require Patron status(for labor pts and land)
but dont worry, here i'll explain how i started this game as a free player (homeless toon) and ended as a patron and sustain it, you only need work a bit harder.

I focused on Gilda star farm at first, yes you dont get gold directly this way, but you get gilda stars to buy blueprints and sell them for gold.
I did this gilda farm with 3 free accounts, 1 main acc and 2alt accs.

For my main i do all the daily quests (crimson rift and grimhast rift) and stack the gildas/honor points at a certain points before use/sell them.

here my to do list:
Main character( i play as haranyan):
- important, complete the donkey quest and 16x16 pumpkin quest (usefull for later)
- i only open medium lvl coinpurses (30++)
- scout miniboss world
- complete all the daily quests (CR/GR) and dungeon mentoring
- wild gathering (cornflower, clove, mushroom, safron, etc), i get some labor points to spend while completing the daily quests.
- buy auction lisence fist when you have enough gold to sell things easier.
- additional tips : explore the map, fly(use the glidder) to anywhere (high cliff etc), who know youll find a "secret farm" and find a thunderstruck tree.

Alts (i did this as "cat race" (i forgot the name) ):
- do the main quest ( only the main quests ) to gather 50 gildas in about 1hour, you can do the sidestory too for the gear
- after done with 1st step you will end up with 100 labor or so, use it for gather stone/log/break your gears, and mail all the items to your main.
I got potato, logs, stone, iron, red and blue powders and ofc 50 gildas(buy harpoon clipper/hauler design)
- after u mailed all, just delete the alt and start another alt. doing this everyday till you get the gold to buy 2 apexes( it maybe time consuming, i did this for 2 weeks lol)

after you get your patron status you can earn gold easier,
i recomend fishing(sport fishing)
to sustain the patron status the basic thing is play on 2 different servers(1NA and 1EU) with the main patroned account, you can use the alt in the different region to farm loyalty points and labor to convert to gold.

team play have more advantages than soloing this game!!!
establish your trading company with your friend for much more fun, or
form your pirate gang and start hijacking fisherman and merchant ships

well thats how i started my archeage life, sadly i quited this game because of my suck internet connection,
 i wish you find this article useful for you :)
and sorry for the lack of detailed information

2 komentar:

  1. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Job~~~Thanks for this good article. Excuse me go read it. Hopefully more success. by archeage gold

  2. There are lots of other ways for making gold in Archeage like Complete Quests, Cultivation and Farming, Planting, Fishing, Trade Packs and more.

    Buy Archeage Gold
