Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Tutorial How To Record Gaming footage and upload to

Hello, today ill post a guide/tutorial in how to record your gaming/mmorpg moment and upload it to youtube for free, dont worry we dont need any paid software, we only use freewares :P

Things that need to be prepared :

- hypercam/hypercam2, download : hypercam2 x86 and hypercam2 win64
- free video editor software : videopad or VSDC free video editor

download and install them

-set the hypercam properties :
     set the capturing region
     choose select window and point mouse cursor anywhere inside the screen area, your monitor edge will have blinking rectangle border that shows capturing/recording area.
     set the sound
     select stereo mix if you want to record game sound
     then set the hotkeys for easier start/stop/pause recording.

Now we are ready to record :D, 
log in to your game and start record the moment, After we stop the recording/capturing the output file will be so large ( *.avi of our the recorded gaming footage will have  2-4gb (more/less) size for 20mins video length )
Dont worry, thats why we need (free) video editor here :P,
open the video editor tool ( vsdc or videopad ) and start editing and convert the output to fit for youtube
here i used videopad
drag and drop the avi file to the 'video files' tab then drag it to the timeline in the botom of the videopad UI.
we can preview the video and/or add text and image or change the audio and cut/trim the video.
After we done editing go to export tab for finishing.
choose the desired format, i prefer mp4 and then start converting.
now we are done and ready to share it in youtube.

Here a video that shows How to record gaming footage and upload it to youtube :

enjoy :D

Senin, 06 Juli 2015

About lenktaywonk

Hello ima mmorpg addict that like to share something i know about mmorpg, some tips and guides,
hopefully you enjoy my guides here and found these guides usefull for you :D
Played Rising Force Indonesia as lenktaywonk, pasargelap, verliefd, jandamudacantik at venus server( this game is my favorite :D).
Guildwars2 as Mini Mochi, Apaliatliat, and Walking Bag, but sadly i quited last year :(.
Eligium Indonesia as cewe (and this appeared as c### cuz the damn censor)
Legenda Naga Online Indonesia as apaansih
Clash of Gods Indonesia as apaansih (my trademark IGN haha)
Swordman Online Indonesia as apa
Archeage as Apasih
Xian ep.2 Indonesia as manis
Echo of Soul Aeria games in Requiem server as apaansih
and many more....
Sadly, i removed my old guides (most about eligium) because of the update this landing page for a better "look"
Dan bagi pembaca Indonesia, gw jg bikin kok guide berbahasa indonesia :D
enjoy guide-guide nya yah semoga bermanfaat.